R Packages
- Functions to implement Bayesian Distributed Lag Interaction Models.
- The
package is available on CRAN and GitHub. - See the package page for details and examples: anderwilson.github.io/bdlim.
- Joint work with Daniel Mork and Seongwon Im.
- Functions to implement several varieties of treed distributed lag models, including:
- treed distributed lag models
- heterogenious distributed lag models
- treed distributed lag mixture models
- The
package is available on CRAN and GitHub. - See the package page for details and examples: danielmork.github.io/dlmtree.
- Joint work with Danielle Demateis and Kayleigh Keller.
- Functions to distributed lag interaction models for continuous modifiers using penalized and natrual spline implementations.
- The
package is available on CRAN and GitHub. - See the package page for details and examples: ddemateis.github.io/dlim.
- Functions to implement various methods, including:
- Bayesian kernel machine regression distributed lag models
- older implementation of Bayesian distributed lag interaction models
- The
package is available on GitHub.
GitHub packages and other code
Code for several other projects can be found on GitHub