Doctoral Students
Tristan Contant, PhD Student (Joint with Yawen Guan)
Wentao Guo, PhD Student
Brody Erlandson, PhD Student (Joint with Matthew Koslovsky)
Mosammat Sonia Khatun, PhD Student
Danielle Demateis, PhD Student
(Joint with Kayleigh Keller)
Seongwon Im, PhD 2024
Thesis: Bayesian Tree Based Methods for Longitudinally Assessed Environmental Mixtures
Sierra Pugh, PhD 2023
(Joint with Bailey Fosdick)
Thesis: Statistical Models for COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rates and Diagnostic Test Data
Next position: Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST)
Lauren Hoskovec, PhD 2022
Thesis: Bayesian Methods for Environmental Exposures: Mixtures and Missing Data
Next position: Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST)
Current position: Research Scientist at National Resource Ecology Lab, CSU
Daniel Mork, PhD 2021
Thesis: Treed Distributed Lag Models
Next position: Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard School of Public Health
Emily Williams, MS 2020 (Joint with Zach Weller)
Now Data Scientist at Southern Cross.
Olivia Beck, BS 2020
Undergrad thesis: College safe ride programs: Bayesian analysis of ridership with safe ride home versus anywhere policies
Now PhD Student in Statistics at Penn State University